2022. Hoetzlein, R. A Procedural Model for Diverse Tree Species
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) Workshop, Athena, Greece. Sept 5, 2022
2022. Hoetzlein, R. Knowledge Cultures in New Media Art
ISEA 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Art, Barcelona, June 14, 2022
2022. J.Adams, A.Humphrey, R.Hoetzlein
Developing Techniques for Rigging and Motion Capture to Simplify 3D Animation
Presented at FGCU Research Day, April 16th, 2020. Published in FGCU Aquila 2022
2020. Hoetzlein, R. Natural Structures through the Convergence of Particles and Shapes
Proceedings of the XXII Generative Art Conference. GA2020, Milan, Italy.
2019. G.Legrady and R.Hoetzlein
Making Visible the Invisible: A Data-driven Media Artwork, In Continuous Operation for 15 Years
ACM Siggraph 2019 Art Gallery, July 2019, No. 14, p 1-6
2018. Kui Wu, Nghia Truong, Cem Yuksel, Rama Hoetzlein
Fast Fluid Simulations with Sparse Volumes on the GPU
Eurographics 2018, Delft, Netherlands
2017. Hoetzlein, R. 3D Printing with NVIDIA GVDB Voxels
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2017, Santa Clara, CA
2016. Hoetzlein, R. Raytracing Scentific Data in NVIDIA OptiX with GVDB Sparse Volumes
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) March 2016, Santa Clara.
2016. Hoetzlein, R. GVDB: Raytracing Sparse Voxel Database Structures on the GPU
High Performance Graphics (HPG) 2016, June 216, Dublin.
2016. Wyman, Chris, Hoetzlein, R., and Lofen, A.
Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers: Fast, Sub-Pixel Accurate Hard Shadows
IEEE Transactions of Visualization, Vol. 22, Issue 10, Oct 2016
2015. Wyman, Chris, Hoetzlein, R., and Lofen, A.
Frustum-Traced Raster Shadows: Revisiting Irregular Z-Buffers
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D), February 2015.
2015. Hoetzlein, R. Data Visualization of the Graphics Pipeline: Tracking State with the Stateviewer
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) March 2015, Santa Clara.
2014. Hoetzlein, R. Fast Fixed-Radius Nearest Neighbors: Interactive Million-Particle Fluids
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2014. Santa Clara, CA.
2012. Hoetzlein, R. Visual Communication in Times of Crisis: The Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Leonardo Journal of Arts, Science and Technology. Volume 45, Number 2, pp 113-118. April 2012.
2012. Eric Chuk, Rama Hoetzlein, David Kim, Julia Panko
Creating Socially Networked Knowledge through Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Arts & Humanities in Higher Education (Special Edition)
2012. Hoetzlein, R. Graphics Performance in Rich Internet Applications.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications. Volume 32, Issue 5, pp 98-104. September 2012.
2012. Hoetzlein, R and Tobias Hollerer.
Analyzing Performance and Efficiency of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Technical Report. University of California Santa Barbara.
2011. Hoetzlein, R. Imagination in Media Arts: Technological Constraints and Creative Freedom
Ph.D Dissertation. University of California Santa Barbara, December 2011.
2009. Hoetzlein, R. and Adderton, Dennis
MINT/VXF: A High-Performance Computing Framework for Interactive Multimedia.
Future of Media Arts, Science and Technology Workshop (MAST). University of California Santa Barbara. Jan 2009.
2009. Hoetzlein, R. Subjective Media: A Historic Context for New Media in Art
Fourth International Conference on the Arts in Society. Venice, Italy. July 2009.
2009. Hoetzlein, R. Alternatives to Author-centric Knowledge Organization
Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE 2009). Victoria, Canada. Oct 2009.
2009. Hoetzlein, R. and Hollerer, Tobias
Interactive Water Streams with Sphere Scan Conversion
ACM Interactive Graphics and Games (i3D) 2009. Boston, Massachusetts. February 2009.
2008. Turk, M. Hollerer, T., Arisona, S., Kuchera-Morin, J. Coffin, C and Hoetzlein, R.
Creative Collaborative Exploration in Multiple Environments
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2008 Symposium
2007. Hoetzlein, R. The Organization of Human Knowledge: Systems for Interdisciplinary Research
Master’s Thesis. University of California Santa Barbara, 2007.
2005. D. Schwartz, R. Rajagopalan, R. Hoetzlein
Developing a Virtual Engineering Curriculum Via Computer Game Design.
Proceedings of The American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Section Conference. Binghamton, NY. 2005
2005. Hoetzlein, R. and Schwartz, D.
GameX: A Platform for Incremental Instruction in Computer Graphics and Game Design.
ACM SIGGRAPH Educators Program 2005, Los Angeles, CA. 2005
2003. Hoetzlein, R. and Schwartz, D.
Computer Game Design as a Tool for Cooperative Interdisciplinary Education.
Proceedings of The American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Section Conference. Queens University.


  2017. Tinker. Facade projection-mapped agents for dance performance. LUMA Binghamton. Binghamton, NY
2011. EcoPlayer. Interactive experience of animal sounds. Copenhagen, Denmark
2011. Global Units. Procedural modeling for live visual performance at a radio station. Copenhagen, Denmark
2010. The Bones of Maria. Generative organic art. The Cultor, IT. Torino, Italy
2009. Presence. Immersive environments with 360 degree photography. University of Santa Barbara Library.Santa Barbara, CA
2008. Social Evolution. Evolutionary crowd simulation. Version Beta, Center for the Contemporary Image. Geneve, Switzerland
2007. Lifecycles. 2nd International Arts & Science Exhibition. Beijing, China
2007. Intelligent Things. Machine Project, DorkBot So. Cal. Los Angeles, CA
2005. Timewave. Ecological digital microscope. Gallery 1434. Santa Barbara, CA
2004. Collective Morphology. Collaborative generative forms. Santa Barbara, CA
2001. Creatures: Mechanical and Robotic Sculptures. Thesis work, Cornell University. Ithaca,NY
1998. Gigaspace. Augmented virtual interaction with a pixelated dog Ithaca,NY


2014. ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada
2014. GPU Technology Conference, 2014
2010. Transliteracies Rose Design Charrette, Feb 26, 2010.
2009. Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, Canada
2007. Text Encoding Seminar, University of California Santa Barbara
2006. Moorpark College Multimedia Festival
2006. UC Darnet, Digital Arts Research Network, March 4th
2006. Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, Canada
2006. ACM Multimedia 2006, Art Exhibition Coordinator /w George Legrady
2005. Collaboration with DX-Arts, University of Washington on Collective Morphology
2004. Collaboration with Department of Fine Arts, UC Santa Barbara on Timewave
2004. First official course in Computer Game Design. Cornell University.
1998. Cornell Program of Computer Graphics. Cornell University.
1996. Department of Physical Chemistry. Cornell University